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主 演:Gareth John Bale ...Apostle
      Ian Dicks...Saxon Warrior
      Richard Elfyn ...Older Hereward
      Lindsey Fickling ..Saxon Warrior
      PaulGamble ...Saxon Warrior
      Huw Garmon ..Atelic
      Christopher Godwin ...
状 态:高清 类 型: 动作片
网友推荐: 更新时间:2013-08-17
影片映像: 顶/0 踩/0

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ftp://dygod1:[email protected]:8006/[阳光电影www.ygdy8.com].维京传奇:最黑暗的一天.BD.720p.中文字幕.rmvb 迅雷下载


      Inspired by true events. Cast into a violentand bloody world of murder, Hereward, a novice monk, must deliver the HolyGospel of Lindisfarne - a book of great beauty and power - to the safety of theIona monastery, while being pursued by a Viking death squad hell- bent on itscapture. On his way to the monastery, he meets a fierce and skilled swordsmanwho answers his prayers and dedicates his life to protecting Hereward while hedelivers the book. In the midst of their journey, they are confronted by Vikingsready to kill in order to get what they want, leaving Hereward and his protectorat their mercy.

      创作灵感来自真实事情,Hereward是一个生存在充溢暴力、血腥和屠戮的世界的修道士。他的职责是护送Holy Gospel of Lindisfarne平安抵达 Lona修道院,而此时正有一名海盗堵截他。在他去往修道院的途中,他遇到了一位愿意用生命维护他护送这本书的顶尖剑客。在他们前行的道路上要面对的准备杀死他们夺走那本书的海盗……


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